Technical Assistance
OHEA provides technical assistance and consulting work related to health equity and policy, systems and environment change work. OHEA holds expertise in organizational change work, how to integrate community led and driven strategies into strategic planning and programmatic work, responsible community engagement, racial justice trauma informed training, and movement towards anti-racist organizational change work.
If you want to contract work with us, contact us at:
Community Engagement Guidelines for Racial Justice
1. Get Ready
Core considerations for community engagement process.
2. Non-Negotiables
Values and criteria for modeling anti-racist practices in community engagement.
3. Power Sharing
Identifying opportunities to shift and share power.
4. Listening & Accountability
Check points for ensuring your process is responsive and accountable to the communities engaged
5. Common Resistance
Common phrases and practices that you'll hear or say when encountering personal and institutional resistance
6. Inside Organizing
Exploring advocacy strategies within your organization needed to shift leadership and root sustainable change
7. Course Correction
Ensuring the people and communities engaged are compensated for their time and expertise
8. Accessibility
Minimum requirements to creating an accessible and welcoming space.
9. Honoring Knowledge
How to handle input that significantly shifts the scope and direction of your project.
10. Case Study
An example of one community engagement process
What is Community Engagement
Common phrases and practices that you'll hear or say when encountering personal and institutional resistCommance