Community Powered Change
Community Powered Change was a health equity partnership from 2016 to 2021 with Multnomah County. This work sunset in 2020 when the Multnomah County Health Department took on the work internally.
Community Powered Change is a campaign for health equity. It is about amplifying community voices to build the future we want to see. It is the work of defining health equity for ourselves and our own communities, transforming the ways in which communities engage with the institutions and organizations that create policies affecting our everyday lives.
Community Powered Change is supported through a partnership between OHEA and the Multnomah County Health Department. This partnership between community and government is a shift in how the county engages with community and reflects increased support of equity work within the community. This work is rooted in a community health improvement plan, or CHIP. A CHIP describes the priorities, goals, solutions, and resources for health improvement. It does this using information from a community health assessment and input from community members. The Multnomah County Department of Health selected OHEA to lead this process. OHEA's leadership designed, developed, and facilitated a consensus-based, community-driven process. Community Powered Change is a project of OHEA’s Community Health Program. It is a vital part of OHEA’s vision and mission and greatly informs the coalition’s policy advocacy work.